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  • Writer's pictureOrleany Herasme

Pe$o Pat Diving into the World of R&B

Here we have a Rhode Island native making a name for himself in the R&B genre, and using his talent to explore different areas within rap. Pe$o Pat talks about his experiences growing up, his influences, and his newest EP, Pe$o's Paradise. Read below to find out more about this up and coming artist.

Boston Culture: Where are you from? How was it growing up?

I’m originally from Rhode Island, I grew up going back and forth from Pawtucket to Central Falls. My Parents came straight off the Islands of Cabo Verde, so we ain’t really have much growing up but shit we made the best of it, my childhood was lit. Rhode Island is like a melting pot. I love the diversity. Especially with all the different cultures being CV (Cape Verdean) in what I like to call “Little Cabo Verde” (Pawtucket), made it easier to connect. You know how us Cape Verdeans be, once you find out someone else Cape Verdean they fam now

Boston Culture: Where did you get your name from?

I actually came up with my name. I wanted something catchy and also authentic. Im bout my money, and my name is Patrick. Since Peso is a form of currency I juss kept it simple with Pe$o Pat, but don’t forget the “$”

Boston Culture: Has there been any struggles in your life that are reflected in your music?

Most Definitely, I touch up on a lot. Whether its been my experience with relationships, family, or just everyday life. Sometimes I like to express my struggles as a positive. I don’t think all struggles are completely negative, sometimes certain situations build good character and teach us lessons.

Boston Culture: What were the most challenging and fun parts of making your newest EP, Pe$os Paradise?

The most challenging? That’s a great question. I ain’t really start writing full complete songs until 2019, which is when I wrote this EP. To be honest I ain’t even really understand the structure of a song until then either, so for me i’d say the challenges came with gaining confidence through music theory and study while balancing work, growing a business and getting my self situated after moving to LA. But I gotta say the most fun was creating and testing my ability to think outside the box.

Pe$o's Paradise Out Now.

Boston Culture: How was working with Lon6z?

Lon6z that dude fa real, just a blessing honestly. Not only is he an Artist but he’s also an amazing engineer, dudes super talented. One thing I really appreciate the most when we work together, he gon let you do ya music how you wanna. I’ve worked with others in the industry and the most annoying thing for me and I’m sure other artist can relate, is someone tryna tell you how ya music should sound or be. I’m working on tomorrow's music, and honestly in this Era of music, there’s almost no wrong way to create a song.

Boston Culture: Who are your influences within the R&B genre and how do they inspire you?

May sound funny but I honestly don’t even listen to much R&B I’m more into Trap Music, unless they throwbacks of course. Usher, The Dream, Omarion, T-Pain. Chris Breezy fa sure getting played if you pass the aux. I just do the R&B style fa the vibe, and I believe with the way the industry moving, that Melodic sound is the way to go. Give a nice vibe, with something catchy that’s gonna stick w the listener. Even though majority of my released music is the R&B type, I got some more rap shit in the vault coming out soon. Don’t sleep on ya boy. I submit my lyrics.

Boston Culture: What has been your biggest accomplishment in your music career?

So far one of my motivating milestones has to be growth. Every new drop I release, I see my numbers increase and that definitely a blessing.

Boston Culture: Tell us about your writing process. What is that like?

To me, the beat is what matters. If I hear a beat I like, I’m already tuned in and most likely gonna come up with a hook or chorus. Then I’ll just vibe out a bit, probably hum or mumble a flow. Then I like to fill in the blanks and replace the mumbles to words that fit and punch in to finish the track. Other times I come up with sections of a song, then I’ll export them and listen to them on a car ride or a trip to the store. Sometimes I find it easier to get inspiration.

Boston Culture: Is there anything else you’d like to tell your fans? Let us know if there’s anything you have coming up!

Definitely wanna say I appreciate everyone of y’all who take the time out to listen. Them new interactions and support go along way. Tap in with me on Instagram @Haute_Lyfe. New visuals, Merch and fa sure new music on the way! The team gon be doing giveaways, challenges all types of givebacks stay locked in.


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