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Lawrence bred Zaay Releases "The Leak Tape"

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

978 artist is transforming into a fearsome presence that commands attention whenever he breathes on a track. Check out this Exclusive Q&A Interview

Boston Culture: Where you from?

Zaay: Im from Lawrence which is a good 25 mins from Boston. I grew up like many other kids in the inner city. I can say that my childhood was a dope time shit was different back then. I used to look up to artists like Game, Eminem, Jada, Nas, Pac, those were the artists that raised me

Boston Culture: How do you get into a creative mood?

Zaay:  I listen to as much music as i can, that alone is usually enough to put me in that creative mode. I never stop creating i create almost everyday  so im always in that zone.

 Im very tapped into who i am and my experiences so when I create it all revolves around my thoughts or things i went through.

Boston Culture: How did you get your name?

Zaay:  My previous artist name was WYZE but i felt like it was unnatural and corny so i chose ZAAY because it was closer to my real name. I want my brand to be as authentic as possible i want my fans to feel as though I'm giving them truth all around.

Boston Culture: When did you make your first song?

Zaay: I always wrote as a kid but never seriously tapped into what i was capable of. I was 23 when i fully invested and saw where i could take this.

Boston Culture: Talk to us about your vision.

Zaay: By this time next year i wanna make a full time income from music. I wanna solidify myself in the Massachusetts music scene. Ima be buzzing by this time next year. Boston Culture: What else is new?

Zaay: So far i been working with some insanely talented producers who believe in me. I work a lot with 1995 whose a producer from Jersey, I work with Tondy whose a producer outta NY. I also work with some youtube producers here and there. If i had to choose producers for my dream project id probably choose Sounwave, Pharell, Kaytranada and probably Boi1da. 

Boston Culture: Talk to us about your last song.

Zaay: My last song was titled Need Me Freestyle. It was more of a song i created a while back and fed it to my fans since i haven't dropped much music before then.

Boston Culture: Who have you been working with?

Zaay: I work closely with my homie KB who owns Selcouth Szn. I usually pitch him the background behind the songs and we come up with treatments together but i let him do his thing. He's insanely creative I don't have any problem putting my trust is his ideas.

Boston Culture: What the longest you been in the stu?

Zaay: I've had ALOT of studio sessions when i felt like shit this is gonna be the one. Longest studio session was when i was working on my EP with my homie 1995. We created for a good 12 hours a day on average.

Boston Culture: What's the vibe you like to work in?

Zaay: I usually prefer to work completely alone. I experiment a lot so i usually don't feel comfortable with too many people in the studio. Being in the studio with other people is awkward sometimes because i built my sound alone pretty much. There's only a few people i feel comfortable creating with. Im very hands on though. Boston Culture: What's an amazing moment you experienced?

 Zaay: My most amazing moment was when i performed my song No Time and had people who didn't know me at all singing along. Boston Culture: Best advice you got?

 Zaay: The best advice i got early on was to write a verse at least every single day. That made me improve at such a fast rate. Boston Culture: What do you dislike about the industry?

Zaay: I think alot of it is a popularity contest. I think we tend to give a lot of wack shit a pass because of someones well known. The politics kinda ruins shit. Boston Culture: Biggest influences?

Zaay: Who are your biggest influences? Role models? My biggest influences in music are Kendrick, J Cole, Nas, Pac, Drake and Jada Boston Culture: What brands should sponsor you?

Zaay: Tell Nike and Raw papers to sponsor your boy aha 

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