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  • Writer's pictureOrleany Herasme

Fashion Creative and Artist: 4ty

A man of many hobbies, meet 4ty. From starting his own hat brand to creating music, 4ty shows us his versatility with whatever his hands decide to craft. He leaves us wanting more with everything he drops. Read below to see what this Boston native has to offer.

Boston Culture: Your music video for ‘Brand New’ is a hit! What was the inspiration behind it?

My goal is to show the world theres talent in my city, s lo i just get on a mic and do my thing.

Boston Culture: What did you want your fans to know behind the lyrics of this song?

Whatever your into whatever you do, go big youll eventually achieve the results your looking for.

Boston Culture: Where do you see you and your music career in the future?

Music is a hobby to me, but if gets anywhere i'm ready

Boston Culture: What was the creative process of making the music video for ‘DON’?

Ahh man that was trouble we went through alot. From finding the perfect setting to the video and etc.

Boston Culture: Who has inspired you in terms of your music creativity?

I do hip hop but I'm more of a r&b and pop person such as Post Malone, Ben Howard, etc.

Boston Culture: Where do you want to take yourself and your brand in the music industry?

As far as I can get to be honest, I'd be content with what God has in store.

Boston Culture: How does it feel to be where you are right now in your career? Do you think this feeling will change?

It's tough but if i stay consistent and keep working i can get somewhere.


Check out 4ty's Socials:

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