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Everett bred rapper Authentic8401 drops “Hit Bout It” remix Featuring Luciano

Authentic8401 has been making music since middle school, but as of 2021 the rapper has shown up Bostons music scene with “Hit Bout It” and “Oscar The Grouch” featuring Luciano The Pope. The Everett bred artist says music is his most authentic form of self-expression and coping with life’s curve balls.

Boston Culture: Where did you grow up? what was that like?

Authentic8401: I grew up in Everett Massachusetts right outside of Boston, Everett is a small city that can be a great community but also a place that can keep you trapped in a certain state of mind. My mother always said you need to play a sport to stay out of the streets. I later moved to Billerica Massachusetts, but I would never claim this as the place that I’m from because it is probably one of if not the most racist towns in Massachusetts.

Boston Culture: How did you get your name?

Authentic8401: I got this name because I tried to think of one word that describes myself and my music I came up with Authentic, the 8401 is the room number of the dorm I stayed in during the worst year of my life but also decided that year I was going to take music seriously. I’ve always been the type of person to try and turn a negative into a positive.

Boston Culture: Talk to us about “Oscar The Grouch” - from its inception stages to the creative visual recording process. How did you and Luciano come up with the initial concept?

Authentic8401: Me and Luciano had been talking about making a couple of songs together for a while. We finally linked up at the studio and I had just finished recording my hook and verse for the song, Luciano thought the vibe of the song was dope he wrote his verse while my engineer was mixing mine and the rest is history.

Boston Culture: What was the best advice you got early in your career?

Authentic8401: The best advice I got early in my career is its not about how you fall but how you get back up.

Boston Culture: Walk us through the first time you ever made a song. What inspired you, what did you make it on, etc.

Authentic8401: The first time I ever made a song was when I was in middle school I was dealing with some things and I didn’t really know how to put it in words or just flat out say it, so I made it into a song. Music became my way of dealing with things and how I express myself best.

Boston Culture: Top 3 favorite producers/rappers?

Authentic8401: My top 3 favorite rappers are Drake, NBA Young Boy, and Kevin Gates. My top 3 producers are Bandplay, Metro Boomin, and Drumdummie.

Boston Culture : Walk is through your creative process in the studio. Do you like to listen to the beats first and write? Or you are more of a freestyle to try and get a nice flow?

Authentic8401: My creative process is the same for every song if I can’t think of lyrics as soon as I hear the beat, I find another one I like to let the beat talk to me. I freestyle the first couple of bars if I think they are good then I start to structure the rest of the song.

Boston Culture: What do you dislike about the art world/music industry?

Authentic8401One thing I’ve noticed lately and not a big fan of is how I see a lot of people faking certain relations to get clout, rapping about things they arenot really doing and probably never would a day in their life. Saying all that for the reactions and views... in shorter words clout chasing

Boston Culture: Who or what are some of your biggest influences? Talk to us about your roots.

Authentic8401: I’d say some of my biggest

influences is my family and my friends, growing up I saw my parents struggle at times, but they never let that define who they were or let that stop them from getting up and going to work they taught me about hustle hard work and dedication, they taught me how to Hussle. When I say my friends, I mean my real friends have always supported my music and pushed me to keep going forward. People who told me I could do it before I even recorded anything.

Boston Culture: Talks to us about your younger mentality and what allowed you to stay focused on your goals.

Authentic8401: My younger mentality has been to be able to take care of everyone that’s always stood by my side, from a young age a lot of people left, abandoned, and betrayed me when they didn’t have to. Everyone who’s always had my back and showed love will feel that returned 10-fold when the time is right.

Boston Culture : What do you think of the music scene in the State? Are there any other Boston producers or artists you'd potentially like to collab with in the future?

Authentic8401: I think the music scene is Mass has so much potential there are so many talented artist, but unfortunately no one really wants to help each other out and a lot of people think that if you help someone else eat it will take food out of their mouth. If I could get the Chance, I’d love to collaborate with G Fredo 7981 Kal or DTheFlyest those are my favorite Boston artist.

Boston Culture : Tell us about your goals for 2021. Where will you be by the end of the year. Let's start manifesting that now.

Authentic8401: My goal for 2021 is to drop as many music videos as possible and have a solid full body project out if not 2.

Boston Culture: Did the pandemic affect any of your plans? What do you miss the most about live performances?

Authentic8401: It slowed down performing and some opportunities to network, the thing I miss most about live performing is that feeling you get when you get the crowd going the energy a lit crowd can give off is unmatched.

Boston Culture : What brands should sponsor you?

Authentic8401: My favorite brands I’d love to get a sponsor from is Crown Royal, Timberland , Culture Kings, and Louis Vuitton

Boston Culture :Anything else we missed you want to tell your fans?

Authentic8401: I appreciate each and every one of youfor all your support, New music Video out soon, and I’m almost ready to relaunch the clothing brand.

Follow Authentic8401 on social media, all streaming platforms and Youtube @authentic8401.

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