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  • Writer's pictureBoston Culture

Brockton Bred Blackheart<3 talks about "Distance", influences, creative mentality and much more!

Brockton-Bred artist from the East side of Brockton talks about his latest single "Distance", his father's advice on making "medicine music", biggest influences, hungry mentality and much more! Make sure to subscribe to his Youtube and follow on Spotify.

Boston Culture: Where did you from/ grow up? How was that like?

Blackheart<3: East side of Brockton Massachusetts; wouldn’t want to have grown up anywhere else. Love my City 🖤 Boston Culture: How did you get your name?

Blackheart<3: Humbeats and I were in his driveway talking about how I was too nice for this music sh*t; I recalled a lot of fake love growing up in that moment and “Blackheart <3” was born! Boston Culture: Talk to us about "Distance"

Blackheart<3: GO STREAM THAT ON ALL PLATFORMS AND GO PEEP THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!! Recorded mixed mastered and filmed ALL by Humbeats 🥇 Level Up Always!

Boston Culture : What was the best advice you got early in your career?

Blackheart<3: The best advice I’ve ever gotten in this music sh*t honestly gunna sound mad cliche, but my dad told me to make “medicine music”. I kind of gave it my own definition and it turned into great advice.

Boston Culture: What do you dislike about the art world/music industry?

Blackheart<3: If you’re not a big people person you truly gotta work on that; I be mad anxious but I gotta power through it, I know it’ll help better my career. Boston Culture: Who or what are some of your biggest influences?

Blackheart<3: Drake, Mac Miller, Future, Sublime, and Nirvana are just SOME of my biggest musical influences. I also LOVE aesthetic in a studio or ANYWHERE I’m about to record. The Aesthetic of wherever I am while I’m recording lets me catch the biggest vibes.

Boston Culture: Talks to us about your younger mentality.

Blackheart<3: I was in concert choir & drama club for 4 years of high school, and wanted to keep going on stage; I just didn’t wanna be a made up character. I took that same drive into music and I’ve been working on my craft ever since. I thought it was a popularity contest in the beginning but then I peeped that it can either be that or you could be known cuz of the fire music you make. I make fire music. Boston Culture : What do you think of the music scene in the State? Are there any other Boston producers or artists you'd potentially like to work with for the next project?Blackheart<3: Mass already a DOPE cultural melting pot; I’d say the same thing about the music here. It’s just from everywhere and everything is different and beautiful, truthfully. I’m down to work with ANYBODY as long as I can be honest about the art. A few producers I’ve worked with out of the state are Isaiah Valmont, Ryan Xans, Humbeats, JordanNeverDied, FourteeFour, LoLoTheGod.. love all these guys and couldn’t be who I am in this music sh*t without them.

Boston Culture : Tell us about your goals for 2021. Any future projects?

Blackheart<3: KEEP BEING A GREAT DAD NO MATTER WHAT.. I got a dope lil van driving job that will help me financially.. keep working these singles and piece together hopefully the album that changes my life. I’m in no rush to get to the top of the mountain though... we stay humble over here 🥇🖤 future projects, Yes.

Boston Culture: Did the pandemic affect any of your plans?

Blackheart<3: I can barely even remember at this point honestly lmfaoo. I would’ve probably done another SXSW performance this year. DEFINITELY would’ve been on stage a lot. Would’ve also liked to try to network connections out of state. (Not to dip out like a lot of Mass artists do, but to see what I could bring back over here to make us even better.)

Boston Culture : What brands should sponsor you? Blackheart<3: All the ones that wanna make bread 🤷‍♂️ Boston Culture :Anything else we missed you want to tell your fans?

Blackheart<3: In life period, MAD people gunna bring you down. You’re going to feel so low sometimes; and you’ll feel mad alone. I swear what works best for me is some alone time with music and a Blunt. I’M NOT EVEN PROMOTING MY MUSIC RIGHT NOW! I for real just want my fans/enemies/WHOEVER IS READING THIS to know that things will look up and y’all can be better! You just gotta believe that you’ll be ok. Go find that Medicine Music that you need 🖤 Love Y’all fr fr

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