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  • Writer's pictureOrleany Herasme

Boston Native: Munashe

Muna has been making noise ever since he has come out in the music scene. With his deep and intricate lyrics, Muna is not someone to reckon with. He provides substance in all of the music he creates and leaves the listener with a different perspective to life. Get in touch with your deeper self and get hip to Muna.

Boston Culture: What got you into making music? How did that help you get through life’s struggles?

What got me into music was my uncle Charles (who’s been like my father ever since I can remember). I have faint memories of him picking me up from Day Care in his red Honda Civic coup, and we would just driving down Blue Hill Ave. listening to everything from: Bob Marley, Genuine, Talib Kweli, D’Angelo, Tupac, Dre. Etc. Those car rides instilled my love for music and lyrics.

Boston Culture: Growing up, what did you listen to? Was that anything influential?

Growing up my family was huge on Michael Jackson, Angie Stone, Mos Def, Miles Davis and many other dope artists. However, it was my aunt rose who first introduced me to Hip-Hop/Rap Music. I remember she bought the “Romeo Must Die (Soundtrack)” on CD, and I vividly remember trying to remember DMX’s lyrics.

Boston Culture: What has been your favorite part of making music? The bad parts?

The Best Parts have to be performing and getting the mastered versions of songs from the engineer sent back to you. I’ve been blessed to have performed at my alma mater Salem State University as well as with my best friend De-Bo at his school Umass Amherst. These shows were so memorable because we performed in front of thousands of our friends and classmates at our respect schools. There is no other rush than that. The Bad Parts, would just have to be me being my worst critic and dealing with my inner self reminding me that I’m not where I should be yet. However through music and prayer, I always find a way to stay focused on the goal, which is to one day work with the best of the best in music.

Boston Culture: What was it like performing your single, ‘ Zodiac Signs’, live? Do you like performing live?

Performing “Zodiac Signs” live was an unbelievable experience because that was the very first time I played and heard myself through live instruments. Shoutout to: Robby Davis, Blair Leavitt, Luke Pelletier, Ben Aiken, Derek Haydn and Jay Anderson. Robby and I will be doing more live performances all year as well so be on the lookout for that.

Boston Culture: Where does the inspiration come from for the visual for ‘Compound’? What did you enjoy about filming this video?

The inspiration for the Compound commercial came from the one and only “ShotByTanj.” A very good friend of mine named Bryce, called my boy Debo and I, and asked if we wanted to be in the commercial. When we got there, we got to network with Tanj and other very dope up and coming artists from Mass (LightaVuitton). When we arrived Tanj took lead and the end result came out really dope! Special shoutout to “The Compound” for the amazing opportunity! Hope to work with y’all again.

Boston Culture: Your samples are very unique. What speaks to you when finding a sample?

As far as samples! I’ve really, really been into Jazz music lately. In college I took an intro to Jazz class with one of my favorite professors Tom Palance, and in that class, Prof. Palance introduced me to genius known as “John Coltrane.” So now whenever I’m producing at my house in my home studio, I’ve found myself sampling John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Ella Fitzgerald and several other Jazz Icons.

Boston Culture: How do you want to further your music career?

As far as furthering my career, I hope to further it by continuing to build my core listeners. I’ve been blessed to have developed a solid core following of fans who genuinely love my music. The way I can further it is by learning how to properly market and manage my music, while making sure it reaches as far as possible around the world. I’ve focused on the music and the craft. Now I’d like to focus on the distribution to make sure more and more people get to know who Munashe Mututu is.

Boston Culture: What should your fans be expecting from you in 2022? Let’s start manifesting!

As far as what to expect: I have my third studio album entitled “Rap Therapy” set to drop in a few months. I’ve been working on this album for the past two years along side my best friend and videographer Evyn “Creator E” Gregorio. Evyn and I also will be releasing the “Rap Therapy Short Film” along with the album as well. The short film will be a visual depiction of the album in it’s entirety. Evyn produced and directed the short film. We are so excited to share the album and the short film when it’s done. Lastly, fans can also expect more music from De-Bo and I as well as more live band performances with Robby Davis and Blair Leavitt this year also.


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