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  • Writer's pictureOrleany Herasme

Boston Bred: Dio Gin

A dedicated man to his craft, we have Dio with us discussing how he started. He started his rap career from a young age and decided he needed to do more with it. With over 7 years of experience, his skills are portrayed in every thing he creates. Dio tells us how he balances his personal life with his newfound career; read below to find out more.

Boston Culture: Where are you from?

I’m from Boston. Originally from Roslindale.

Boston Culture: Where did you get your name from?

My name Diogenes is my actual middle name and my father’s first name. It means honest.

Boston Culture: Is it hard to balance family life and a music career? How do you do it?

Balancing family life and music can be a challenge, especially when one is passionate about their music career. I’m lucky to have a family that understands that passion, so they’re very supportive.

Boston Culture: When did you start creating music? Were there any hardships with starting your career?

I started rhyming around 14 or 15. When I really got serious I was about 21 years old. At first it was tough because everything is new to you. Recording, performing, trying to find your style. But as you grow as an artist and meet many artist just like you, it becomes second nature.

Boston Culture: Do you produce your own music? If not, then who? Who have been your favorite producers to work with?

I produced my music as far as I’m 100% hands with the arrangements, the mixing, the recording, picking beats, picking features. My main producer (in house producer) is my homie Big Session who I’ve known for over 20 years. He’s definitely my favorite producer to work with. Some other producers I’ve worked work with are DNA, NeechBeatz, M.O & Reckonize Real (from New York).

Boston Culture: What is the inspiration behind the music video for ‘Gods and Queens’?

My inspiration for Gods & Queens’ was just to celebrate black and brown culture. That was the idea for the song and I wanted the video to represent that.

Boston Culture: What plans do you have in the future for your career? How do you want to progress?

My plan is to just keep recording and building my catalog and to get it to as many ears as possible. I have one album out now, The Lonely Hero, on all digital streaming platforms. I have a new album coming out in July. And this year I’ll finish recording three other albums.

Boston Culture: Please let us know if there’s anything else you want to promote!

Make sure y’all check out The Lonely Hero album on all platforms. I have released 4 singles off that album, ‘I Want It All’, ‘Calling My Name’, ‘East Coast Kings’ & ‘Gods & Queens’. All four songs have videos that you can watch on YouTube. I have a new album coming out in July called ‘Made With Love’. We’ll be shooting new videos for that as well.


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